tornado.concurrent — Work with Future objects

Utilities for working with Future objects.

Tornado previously provided its own Future class, but now uses asyncio.Future. This module contains utility functions for working with asyncio.Future in a way that is backwards-compatible with Tornado’s old Future implementation.

While this module is an important part of Tornado’s internal implementation, applications rarely need to interact with it directly.

class tornado.concurrent.Future

tornado.concurrent.Future is an alias for asyncio.Future.

In Tornado, the main way in which applications interact with Future objects is by awaiting or yielding them in coroutines, instead of calling methods on the Future objects themselves. For more information on the available methods, see the asyncio.Future docs.

Changed in version 5.0: Tornado’s implementation of Future has been replaced by the version from asyncio when available.

  • Future objects can only be created while there is a current IOLoop
  • The timing of callbacks scheduled with Future.add_done_callback has changed.
  • Cancellation is now partially supported (only on Python 3)
  • The exc_info and set_exc_info methods are no longer available on Python 3.
tornado.concurrent.run_on_executor(*args, **kwargs) → Callable[source]

Decorator to run a synchronous method asynchronously on an executor.

Returns a future.

The executor to be used is determined by the executor attributes of self. To use a different attribute name, pass a keyword argument to the decorator:

def foo(self):

This decorator should not be confused with the similarly-named IOLoop.run_in_executor. In general, using run_in_executor when calling a blocking method is recommended instead of using this decorator when defining a method. If compatibility with older versions of Tornado is required, consider defining an executor and using executor.submit() at the call site.

Changed in version 4.2: Added keyword arguments to use alternative attributes.

Changed in version 5.0: Always uses the current IOLoop instead of self.io_loop.

Changed in version 5.1: Returns a Future compatible with await instead of a concurrent.futures.Future.

Deprecated since version 5.1: The callback argument is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0. The decorator itself is discouraged in new code but will not be removed in 6.0.

Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed.

tornado.concurrent.chain_future(a: Future[_T], b: Future[_T]) → None[source]

Chain two futures together so that when one completes, so does the other.

The result (success or failure) of a will be copied to b, unless b has already been completed or cancelled by the time a finishes.

Changed in version 5.0: Now accepts both Tornado/asyncio Future objects and concurrent.futures.Future.

tornado.concurrent.future_set_result_unless_cancelled(future: Union[futures.Future[_T], Future[_T]], value: _T) → None[source]

Set the given value as the Future’s result, if not cancelled.

Avoids asyncio.InvalidStateError when calling set_result() on a cancelled asyncio.Future.

New in version 5.0.

tornado.concurrent.future_set_exception_unless_cancelled(future: Union[futures.Future[_T], Future[_T]], exc: BaseException) → None[source]

Set the given exc as the Future’s exception.

If the Future is already canceled, logs the exception instead. If this logging is not desired, the caller should explicitly check the state of the Future and call Future.set_exception instead of this wrapper.

Avoids asyncio.InvalidStateError when calling set_exception() on a cancelled asyncio.Future.

New in version 6.0.

tornado.concurrent.future_set_exc_info(future: Union[futures.Future[_T], Future[_T]], exc_info: Tuple[Optional[type], Optional[BaseException], Optional[traceback]]) → None[source]

Set the given exc_info as the Future’s exception.

Understands both asyncio.Future and the extensions in older versions of Tornado to enable better tracebacks on Python 2.

New in version 5.0.

Changed in version 6.0: If the future is already cancelled, this function is a no-op. (previously asyncio.InvalidStateError would be raised)

tornado.concurrent.future_add_done_callback(future: Union[futures.Future[_T], Future[_T]], callback: Callable[[...], None]) → None[source]

Arrange to call callback when future is complete.

callback is invoked with one argument, the future.

If future is already done, callback is invoked immediately. This may differ from the behavior of Future.add_done_callback, which makes no such guarantee.

New in version 5.0.